Homemade Chicken Burgers

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how I got to make my Oma’s apple cake on my own for the first time. Ever since then, I’ve had the urge to learn some of the other recipes that my family has come up with over the years. So, after talking with my mom, she agreed to show me how to make some of her favourites. I asked her to start with something easy so there would be a very minimal chance of me messing it up, and so we decided to start with her homemade chicken burgers. Growing up I was a very picky eater, but I like to think that I’ve gotten a lot better as I’ve gotten older. That being said, I’m still not the biggest fan of red meat and I have never been the person who would crave a hamburger. Chicken burgers are a totally different story though, and from the first time my mom made me on I crave them all the time. I also justify eating them a lot because they’re chicken and therefore they are leaner than an actual burger and therefore they are healthy, right? Right.


So, for anyone out there who isn’t the biggest fan of beef, or who is looking for a leaner option for a burger, please try this recipe! I guarantee you’ll love it. 

Want the recipe?