Breakfast Wrap

I had come into this weekend thinking that I would spend my Sunday morning going for a hike with my boyfriend, but instead we ended up laying in bed till 11 a.m … oops. The stress of the past week had finally caught up with both of us – my boyfriend was studying all week for a big exam that he had to write on Saturday morning, and I’ve found myself stressed 24/7 lately as graduation is nearing, which means a ton of final assignments plus the added pressure of trying to find a job or an internship. So by the time Sunday morning rolled around, we were both so exhausted that we decided to post-pone the hike till next weekend (Maybe …).

Once we finally got ourselves up and moving, we decided we wanted to make something quick and easy for breakfast. So, we decided on breakfast wraps. These wraps are so easy to make and are packed with protein so you are left feeling very full afterwards. All you need are some scrambled eggs, veggies of your choice, cheese and bacon. That being said, the eggs are the star of this wrap – so here is a video on how to make perfect scrambled eggs.

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Homemade Sushi

This past weekend, my boyfriend and I attempted to make homemade sushi and I am happy to say it turned out great. I will be the first to admit that I am absolutely addicted to sushi, and I’m not even a little bit ashamed. I remember a few years ago it seemed like everyone I knew all of a sudden loved sushi and was always going out to enjoy some, but I never went because I was convinced that sushi was not something I could ever enjoy. At this point, I had only eaten in once in my life and that was when we had to make it ourselves in my food and nutrition class in grade 12. Let’s just say I wasn’t impressed, but looking back now I’m thinking that probably had something to do with the fact that none of us had any idea what we were doing making it.

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Homemade Chicken Burgers

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how I got to make my Oma’s apple cake on my own for the first time. Ever since then, I’ve had the urge to learn some of the other recipes that my family has come up with over the years. So, after talking with my mom, she agreed to show me how to make some of her favourites. I asked her to start with something easy so there would be a very minimal chance of me messing it up, and so we decided to start with her homemade chicken burgers. Growing up I was a very picky eater, but I like to think that I’ve gotten a lot better as I’ve gotten older. That being said, I’m still not the biggest fan of red meat and I have never been the person who would crave a hamburger. Chicken burgers are a totally different story though, and from the first time my mom made me on I crave them all the time. I also justify eating them a lot because they’re chicken and therefore they are leaner than an actual burger and therefore they are healthy, right? Right.


So, for anyone out there who isn’t the biggest fan of beef, or who is looking for a leaner option for a burger, please try this recipe! I guarantee you’ll love it. 

Want the recipe?